Country visitors who have the time to spare will be amply repaid by a visit to the fifth Venetian Carnival to be held at Manly on the 20th, 21st, and 23rd instance. The object is to raise funds in aid of the Manly Cottage' Hospital and "Voluntary Workers' Association. This year the carnival will be better and more attractive, and for the purposes of such a fete Manly has advantages that are quite unrivalled, not least among which are the splendid harbour trip from the city and the in-comparable surfing beaches. The attractions will be on a scale never before attempted. In the park adjacent to the wharf is to be erected a 'City of the Allies'.
A water pageant will be carried out on the harbour front, with pyrotechnic displays after sundown. Many thousands of Japanese lanterns will provide a truly Oriental aspect. A procession in fancy dress will be made each day, and all the famous bands of Sydney, not for getting Manly's own Municipal Band, of which the people are so justly proud, will be engaged to provide tha music. Confetti at carnival time is, of course, a necessity, and vast quantities will be on sale for use of the revellers. The hotels and boarding houses are preparing for the expected influx of visitors, and there should be no difficulty in obtaining ample accommodation.
Singleton Argus (NSW : 1880 - 1954), Saturday 16 February 1918, page 3
retrieved 15/3/23