Step into a treasure trove of history and nostalgia with our extensive collection of photo albums available under the 'media' tab on our website. Today, we are thrilled to shine the spotlight on a local hero, a man whose legacy has stood the test of time - Andrew 'Boy' Charlton. His triumphant journey to gold at the 1924 Paris Olympics is a story of determination, skill, and the unwavering spirit of a true champion.
Fast forward to 2024, and we are on the brink of celebrating an entire century since the Manly Swimming team, led by Charlton, etched their names into the annals of history. Their legendary status was solidified in those momentous games, forever associating their triumphs with the heart and soul of our community.
Here at the Charlie Bar and Manly Swimming Centre, named in honor of Charlton, his story and the legacy of the 1924 Paris Olympics continue to inspire generations. His victorious return from Paris, adorned with gold, silver, and bronze medals, was marked by a grand hero's welcome, a moment in time beautifully captured by a photographer and featured in the month of October of our 2024 Centenary calendar.
The 2024 calendar, produced in collaboration with the Manly Warringah Pittwater Historical Society, is a journey back in time, offering glimpses of significant moments from our local history. Another remarkable highlight from 1924 is the grand opening of the Manly Olympic Swimming Pool, fondly remembered as the Manly Baths, which unfortunately met its demise during the 1974 storm but lives on in the cherished memories of those who experienced its glory days.
Today, the site stands as the Manly Skiff Club, but the legacy of the Manly Baths remains ingrained in our community’s history. The grand opening event from December 1924 is immortalized in the month of December in our 'Bridging the Years' calendar, a tribute to the rich tapestry of our local heritage.
As we delve into the tales of joy and adventure from the school students who once swam in the murky, seaweed-infested waters of the old Manly Baths, we are reminded of the vibrant and resilient spirit that defines our community.
Don’t miss the chance to own a piece of history and celebrate the centenary of our local legends. The 'Bridging the Years' calendar is available now at the Lost Manly Shop, a heartfelt homage to our past, and a treasure for generations to come. Join us in this nostalgic journey and keep the spirit of Andrew 'Boy' Charlton and the 1924 Paris Olympics alive for many more years to come.
Link to Boy Charlton album...