Bathers at Manly Beach 1906, courtesy of Northern Beaches Council Library Local Studies.
The ocean beach at Manly has again been the scene of one of those sad tragedies associated with bathing In the surf on the Western Pacific. The early hours of morning, for reasons which are not very apparent, are availed or by ladies, and as early as 6 o'clock the tragedy of to-day happened. It would appear that two young ladles— Miss Eda M. Jackson and Miss Maud Mitchell were amongst others, bathing on the bench at the foot of Victoria-parade, about 200 yards east of the Corso, near the dressing-room.It has been known that there is a deep hole in the vicinity, but owing to its shifting so frequently it Is difficult to locate.
Bathers at Manly Beach 1906, courtesy of Northern Beaches Council Library Local Studies.
The two young ladles would appear to have had the misfortune to have stepped into the hole in the sandy beach. The undercurrent caught them, and the next moment they were carried out by the receding waves. Backwards and forwards they were washed, and finding that their feet could not touch ground they became excited, and screamed for help.
At the time there were nearly all women and girls on the bench, but there were brave men approaching, and the screams of the distressed girls, hurried their steps to the scene.
Bathers at Manly Beach 1906, courtesy of Northern Beaches Council Library Local Studies.
They lost no time In seizing the situation, and in a few seconds Sydney Williams and T. McCarthy were in the raging surf, each intent on the rescue of one of the girls. M'Carthy secured Miss Mitchell, and SWAM ASHORE with her, battling the waves In their strong recoil to the subdued cheering of the excited gathering on the beach.
Bathers at Manly Beach 1906, courtesy of Northern Beaches Council Library Local Studies.
Williams had a harder fight, but he BROUGHT MISS JACKSON ASHORE more dead than alive, but showing such animation as to warrant the hope of her recovery. She was unconscious, but help was called In promptly. Dr. Hall, and a gentleman belonging to the Life-saving Society, whose name has not as yet transpired, conducting operations for restoration under artificial respiration.
Bathers at Manly Beach 1906, courtesy of Northern Beaches Council Library Local Studies.
Crowds of people were gathered In the vicinity, and It was fervently prayed that the life of the young girl would be saved. She was known to nearly everyone present, and If ever human energy and forethought should have saved her life hers should have been saved. It was not to be, however. Time rolled on, and the work of the restorers was without result, and after two hours work the good doctor recorded that the life of the young woman had flown.
There were sad hearts on the beach this morning, and in the words of a Manly resident, who was present, few chose to enter the water after the hope of the life of the young girl had passed. When life was pronounced extinct the police removed the body to the residence of her parents at the Ocean Beach Tea Rooms, opposite the Steyne Hotel, Mr John H. Jackson, her father, being the proprietor of that establishment. The sad Incident threw a gloom all over Manly, where the family is well known.
Bathers at Manly Beach 1906, courtesy of Northern Beaches Council Library Local Studies.
It is a matter of general knowledge that the spot on the ocean beach where the girls lost their foothold is a very treacherous spot, There is always a deep hole to be met with, but It shifts so often that the entry beyond a certain limit is attended at all times with great risk.
This morning, for instance, within a few feet of where the girls got into trouble there were others more than 12 yards farther out in the surf, and on perfectly safe ground. Yesterday morning the Hon. D. O'Connor, M.L.A., was carried out beyond his depth, and was rescued only by the bravery of a young man who went to his assistance with a life-line round his body. This morning's calamity occurred near the same spot as where the venerable legislator was In trouble.
Bathers at Manly Beach 1906, courtesy of Northern Beaches Council Library Local Studies.
Mr Sid Williams and Mr T. McCarthy, who figured as the heroes of today, are said to have been especially brave on the occasion, Mr. Williams, who resides in Cliff Street, heard the cries of the girls as he was approaching the beach. Mr. McCarthy was on the ocean beach, and he arrived at the same time. It is stated that a brother of Mr. Williams played a prominent part in a sensational incident on the beach last year. The deceased young lady was 17 years of age. An Inquiry into the cause of her death will be held by the Coroner today. DROWNED IN THE SURF. (1903, March 7).
The Australian Star (Sydney, NSW : 1887 - 1909), , p. 7. Retrieved from